Tuesday, September 13, 2005

114 Reasons

Three motivations for living missionally! A vision of God. A vision of Christ and a vision for the world. But 114 resons on our 114th church anniversary! I was personally challenged to the bottom of my socks with the message that we heard on Sunday from my own pulpit! But it wasn't me preaching. It was someone with 55 years more experience (and a couple of doctorates to boot!).

Sunday's message had it all! (For those who didn't hear it you can do so on www.camberwellbaptist.org - Just go to the messages section and you can stream it or download it).

I guess the power of the message is in the messenger and when it is in a person who has been a pastor for 70 years of continuous ministry, you ignore it at your peril! Rev Dr Geoff Blackburn is just such a person. He took his first church in 1935! and has been faithfully serving God in local, state, national and international forums ever since. He is a statesman but also a faithful servant and member of our own church.

So how do we respond? Where do we start? I've got my ideas but what do some other think?

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